What makes us the only recruitment partner you'll need?
We're well connected within the games industry thanks to the networks and relationships we've built over more than 30 years.
| Four times more likely to find you the right opportunity...The majority of vacancies are not publicly advertised. They’re filled by agencies, through private networks and by word of mouth. We use the industry contacts and relationships we’ve nurtured over 30+ years to hone in on the roles available in the industry. We work with studios across 30 countries giving us access to plenty of roles that aren't public knowledge. | |
| Our proven process delivers the right opportunities, to the right games professionals. | |
| 24 hours to send you a list of suitable roles...As experienced and honest games industry recruiters we know we can’t always help everyone, every time. By understanding the detail of each role we work, the studio, it’s culture and projects we ensure we match you to the right opportunities. 24 hours after our initial introduction call and agreeing to work together we’ll have created you a list of suitable roles, ready for your consideration. | |
| We find you opportunities that match your skills, preferred working culture and favoured projects. | |
| 92% retention rate...We understand the key elements of candidate suitability, because of this 92% of our placements are still in place 12 months after their start date. We take the time to understand what you’re looking for in your next role, what motivates you and what you want for the future. We’ll find you a role that fits your skills, in a studio with your type of culture, working on the type of projects you enjoy. | |
| We've got you covered when it comes to levelling up your career.Our recruitment guarantees to you as a candidate... | |
| A swift response...We’ll be in touch within 48 hours of receiving your enquiry and CV. | |
| Specialist consultants...Dedicated and expert consultants to manage your recruitment campaign. | |
| Available roles within 24 hours...List of suitable roles within 24 hours of agreeing to work together. | |
| Proactive promotion...For experienced games professionals we’ll put you directly in front of decision makers at suitable studios. | |
Contact us to see how we can help.