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Attracting Top Talent During Industry Uncertainty

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​In the wake of widespread redundancies and studio closures, the video game industry faces a unique challenge. How does a studio attract the top talent in a candidate heavy market filled with talented candidates.

This current prolonged and seemingly endless situation presents both a challenge to studios hiring, and an opportunity. While there is a larger pool of candidates to choose from, attracting the best talent requires strategic planning and execution. We’ll set out the top 11 effective elements for attracting top-tier talent, ensuring you stand out and secure the industry's best.

Understanding the Current Landscape

The video game industry is no stranger to volatility. Economic pressures, shifting market dynamics, and the recent waves of layoffs have created a climate of uncertainty. Studios are not only competing with each other for market share but also for the top talent necessary to drive innovation and success. In this environment, studios must adopt a proactive approach to attract and retain the best candidates.

Strategies for Attracting Top Talent

1. Build a Strong Employer Brand

A strong employer brand is crucial in attracting top talent. This involves creating a positive perception of your studio as a great place to work.

Showcase Company Culture: Highlight your studio's culture, values, and work environment through your website, social media, and job postings. Share stories and testimonials from current employees to give potential candidates a glimpse of what it's like to work at your studio.

Promote Success Stories: Celebrate and publicize the successes of your team, whether it's the launch of a new game, awards, or significant milestones. This not only boosts morale but also attracts talent who want to be part of a winning team.

2. Leverage Industry Connections

Networking is a powerful tool in attracting top talent. Utilise your industry connections to spread the word about open positions and the benefits of working at your studio.

Engage with Industry Events: Participate in industry conferences, expos, and also the online event elements if you’re not able to justify a physical presence. Events are excellent for meeting potential candidates, showcasing your studio and being present in the minds of developers.

Collaborate with Educational Institutions and Industry Initiatives: Partnering with universities and game dev initiatives like Grads in Games and Into Games both promote your studio in a positive light and also help pipeline future talent into the industry, whether that’s to your own studio or the wider industry.

Offering internships or co-op programs can help you spot promising candidates early on, but in a broader sense, helping bridge the gap between academia and the industry by providing talks to aspiring devs or giving industry insight will portray your studio in a positive light to both future developers and the current industry.

3. Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits

In a candidate heavy market, competitive compensation packages are essential to attract top talent.

Regularly Review Salaries: Ensure your salary offerings are competitive within the industry. Consider conducting market research or salary surveys to stay informed about current compensation trends.

Enhance Benefits Packages: Offer comprehensive benefits that go beyond standard health insurance. This can include mental health support, wellness programs, retirement plans, and flexible working arrangements.

4. Focus on Professional Development

Opportunities for growth and development are significant attractors for top talent. Candidates are more likely to join and stay with a studio that invests in their career development.

Provide Training Programs: Offer ongoing training and development programs to help employees enhance their skills. This can include workshops, online courses, and certifications.

Encourage Mentorship: Implement mentorship programs where experienced staff can guide and support new hires. This fosters a collaborative environment and aids in the professional growth of employees.

5. Emphasise Work-Life Balance

Promoting a healthy work-life balance can set your studio apart from others, especially in an industry known for crunch culture.

Offer Flexible Work Arrangements: Allow employees to work on a hybrid basis, remotely where possible should they wish or adopt flexible working hours. This flexibility can improve job satisfaction and attract candidates who value work-life balance as a priority.

Promote a Healthy Culture: Encourage practices that support mental and physical well-being. This includes reasonable work hours, regular breaks, and wellness initiatives – which are an ever increasingly popular addition to studio compensation packages.

6. Foster a Collaborative Environment

A collaborative work environment can be a significant draw for top talent. Candidates want to be part of a team where their contributions are valued and they can work together towards common goals.

Encourage Teamwork: Promote a culture of collaboration and open communication. Use team-building activities and collaborative tools to strengthen team bonds.

Value Employee Input: Involve employees in decision-making processes and encourage them to share their ideas. This makes them feel valued and part of the studio's success.

7. Utilise Advanced Recruitment Tools

In a market flooded with candidates, efficiently identifying the best talent requires advanced recruitment tools and techniques.

Implement Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS): Use an ATS to streamline the recruitment process, from application to hire. This helps manage large volumes of applications and ensures no promising candidate is overlooked.

Leverage Data Analytics: Use data analytics to identify trends and insights in your recruitment process. This can help you refine your strategies and make more informed hiring decisions. You can also pick up industry insight from agencies who are regularly speaking a wide range of studios

8. Showcase Stability and Vision

In times of industry uncertainty, candidates are looking for studios that offer stability and a clear vision for the future.

Communicate Stability: Reassure candidates about the studio's stability by highlighting its financial health, long-term projects, and future plans.

Share Your Vision: Clearly articulate your studio's vision and goals. Candidates are more likely to join a studio that has a clear direction and exciting future prospects.

9. Personalise the Candidate Experience

Creating a personalized and engaging candidate experience can make a significant difference in attracting top talent.

Engage Candidates Early: From the first point of contact, make candidates feel valued. Provide timely updates, be responsive to their queries, and ensure a smooth interview process.

Offer a Positive Onboarding Experience: A well-structured onboarding process can set the tone for a new hire's experience at your studio. Ensure they feel welcomed and supported from day one.

10. Highlight Social Responsibility

Candidates today are increasingly looking to work for companies that are socially responsible and make a positive impact on society.

Promote Diversity and Inclusion: Showcase your commitment to diversity and inclusion through your policies, practices, and culture.

Engage in Community Initiatives: Involve your studio in community service and environmental initiatives. Highlight these efforts to demonstrate your commitment to making a positive difference.

11. Form an Effective Partnership with a Third-Party Recruitment Agency

Incorporating the expertise of a specialist third-party agency can really enhance a studio's ability to attract top talent. Established agencies with highly experienced staff bring a wealth of both industry experience and a proven network of industry connections, which can be invaluable in a competitive market.

Advantages of Using Third-Party Recruitment Agencies

Industry Expertise: Agencies specialising in the gaming industry, (such as ourselves) understand the unique challenges and requirements of game development roles. Their deep industry knowledge allows them to identify and attract candidates who are the best fit for specific positions, and who have the project experience that will allow them to fit straight in to your existing teams.

Access to a Broader Talent Pool: Established agencies have extensive networks and can tap into a wider range of candidates, including those who may not be actively searching for new opportunities. This expands the potential talent pool beyond what a studio might reach on its own.

Efficiency in Hiring: Recruitment agencies can handle the initial stages of the hiring process, such as screening and shortlisting candidates, allowing internal teams to focus on final interviews and selection. This streamlines the recruitment process and reduces time-to-hire.

Tailored Recruitment Strategies: Agencies can offer customised recruitment strategies based on the specific needs and goals of the studio. They provide insights into market trends, salary benchmarks, and effective hiring practices that can enhance the studio's recruitment efforts.

Integrating Recruitment Agencies into Your Strategy

Collaborative Partnership: Treat the recruitment agency as a strategic partner. Work closely with them to ensure they understand your studio's culture, values, and hiring needs. Regular communication and feedback can help refine the recruitment process.

Leverage Agency Insights: Use the agency's market insights to inform your hiring strategy. This can include understanding the competitive landscape, identifying emerging talent trends, and staying updated on industry developments.

Focus on Long-Term Relationships: Building a long-term relationship with a recruitment agency can yield better results over time. As the agency becomes more familiar with your studio, they can provide more targeted and effective recruitment support.


Attracting top talent in a candidate-flooded market during a time of industry uncertainty requires a multifaceted approach. By building a strong employer brand, leveraging industry connections, offering competitive compensation, focusing on professional development, emphasizing work-life balance, fostering a collaborative environment, utilizing advanced recruitment tools, showcasing stability and vision, personalizing the candidate experience, highlighting social responsibility, and incorporating third-party recruitment agencies into your strategy, video game development studios can successfully attract and retain the best talent.

These strategies not only enhance the studio's appeal but also position it as a desirable place to work, attracting top talent in a competitive market. By investing in their workforce and creating an environment where employees can thrive, studios can navigate the current challenges and pave the way for future success in the ever-evolving landscape of the video game industry.